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ACT TOO! productions are a chance for seasoned actors to hone their skills and for new actors to grow the theatrical skills one can only learn from performing in front of an audience. 


Everyone that registers for a production (Fall, Winter, Summer Camps) will receive a roll to play! However, each particpant will need to audition in order for our directors to get to know each cast member and gauge what role will be the best fit. 


When auditioning, a participant must prepare and bring the following:

  • A completed Cast Info. Form

  • a monologue (about one minute in length and appropriate for the type of production: for a drama - prepare a serious monologue, etc.)

  • 16 bars (about a verse and the chorus of a song) of music to be sung accompanied by a karaoke or instrumental CD or mp3 track - no vocals, or acapella

  • A headshot (this does not need to be a professional photo - just a picture so we can put a name with a face when casting - any size)

Why a monologue?

Not everyone is great at reading from material they have not had time to review. While cold readings from the script are part of the audition process, preparing a monologue gives the participant a chance to present something they have had time to practice.

Remember that stage presence goes a long way in an audition. Engage your face and body appropriately! Project your voice! If you stumble - keep going!

Upon submitting the registration form, you will receive a link to schedule your audition.

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