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Performance Opportunities

ACT TOO! strives to help young actors build their performing abilities by being on stage, incorporating acting games and exercises into the rehearsal process, and building within each actor the supportive and accepting concept of ensemble mentality.


ACT TOO! offers several opportunities throughout the year for young actors to perform. These include a Winter Production, a Spring Production, and at least two Summer Productions. Depending on the season, the productions are a mix of musicals and plays and sprinkled with the occasional variety show or one act festival. All performances and rehearsals are held at Frederick LIVE! Theater on Industry Lane in Frederick, MD. Productions that run during the school year rehearse on Monday and Wednesday nights. Summer production rehearsals are Monday - Friday, 9-5, in two week intervals.


Additionally, Entourage Incognito, ACT TOO!'s traveling vocal group, affords youngsters who love to sing and perform a chance to showcase their talents at local Frederick events, such as The Children's Festival in Baker Park and The Festival of the Arts on Carroll Creek.

Being a part of an ensemble builds confidence, self esteem, and helps young actors grow communication and cooperation skills that will overflow into other areas of their lives.

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